Biosafety,GMOs and Seed Sovereignty TWG
This TWG will deal with issues of biosafety, GMOs, biopiracy, agro-chemicals, seed sovereignty and related issues.
Biosafety is a concept that refers to measures put in place to mitigate or protect human health and the environment from possible adverse effects of the products of modernbiotechnology.
The TWG will thus engage with the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (a Protocol of the CBD) and its domestication through the Biosafety Act. 2009, seed and agro chemicals policies, etc. PELUM Kenya and the Alliance of Networks n Agroecology – Kenya (ANAK) will guide this TWG.
Key activities of the TWG will include
- Create awareness on and ensure participatory implementation of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety, including the Biosafety Act 2009 and related regulations in close collaboration with relevant bodies such as the National Biosafety Authority and KEPHIS
- Raise public awareness and education on GMOs/LMOs – including enhanced public participation in proposed field trials and environmental release of GMOs
- Advocate for correct use of and raise awareness on the impacts of agro-chemicals on human and environmental health/biodiversity
- In liaison with the Principles, Practices and Knowledge Management TWG, promote adoption of environmentally friendly agro-chemicals and integrated pest management (IPM)
- Actively promote seed sovereignty1 and seed saving by ensuring its legal protection in the relevant seed policies, Acts and Regulations as well as enhancing practice by farmers through establishment and/or support to community/farmer seed banks and the National Gene Bank of Kenya (GBK)
- Key guiding documents
The Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety
• International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
• Biosafety Act 2009 and Biosafety Regulations
• National Seed Policy 2010, Seeds and Plant Varieties Act 2012, Seeds Regulations