Principles, Practices, Knowledge Management and Climate change TWG ​

This TWG is charged with the documentation, creating awareness and ensuring wide adoption and diffusion of the myriad of principles and practices linked to agroecology and agrobiodiversity. It will also ensure linkages with other cross-cutting issues such as climate change, gender, women and youth participation. The TWG will be guided by Biovision Foundation.

Some of the key activities of the TWG will include;

  1. Continuously review, document and disseminate good/best practices, best bet, next practices, etc. in platforms such as PANORAMA, farmer field schools (FFS), Agricultural Shows, exhibitions, etc.
  2. Liaise with research and academic institutions to conduct strategic research to provide the evidence-base for and enhance adoption and upscaling of specific agrobiodiversity and agroecology practices
  3. Engage with the relevant lead institutions and agencies to ensure the integration of agrobiodiversity and agroecology principles and practices in the curriculum of primary, secondary, TVETs and Universities
    – Seed sovereignty refers to the farmer’s right to breed and exchange diverse open source seeds which can be saved and which are not patented, genetically modified, owned or controlled by emerging seed giants and corporations
  4. n collaboration with other stakeholders and donors, organize regular conferences, workshops, trainings, etc. to create awareness and build capacity of various stakeholders on agrobiodiversity and agroecology and their link to climate resilience
  5. Engage with and develop close partnership with the media (print, TV, social media influencers, etc) in order to continuously create awareness and educate the public on various areas relevant to agrobiodiversity and agroecology
  6. Ensure mainstreaming of gender perspectives and effective participation of men, women, youth, farmers and other social groups in agrobiodiversity and agroecology policies and initiatives
  7. Linkages with key climate change platforms to share lessons on the link between AE and Climate change.
  8. Produce a 2-4-pager report (by end of August 2020) with challenges and recommendations on agrobiodiversity and agroecology practices and sustainable food systems.
  • Key guiding documents
    Agroecology Info Pool
    • Mainstreaming Agrobiodiversity in Sustainable Food System
    • Mainstreaming Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity into Agricultural   Production in EA
    • FAO Agroecology Knowledge Hub
  • Platform for Agrobiodiversity Research (PAR)
  • Agroecology Studies Kenya on Policies, Research and Climate Potential

Principles, Practices, Knowledge Management and Climate change TWG

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