Private Sector Engagement TWG
The private sector has a wealth of knowledge and technologies relevant to biodiversity conservation, as well as having general management, research and development and communications capabilities and thus can contribute significantly to the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity as well as promote agroecological transformation through promotion of sustainable consumption and production (SCP) practices. Markets can and do play an important role in the valuation and exchange of ecosystem services and inputs and is thus a key driving force behind biodiversity conservation and sustainable agriculture. However, markets can also ‘fail’, leading to over-extraction and unsustainable use of biodiversity, cause environmental pollution, etc. if not well regulated. In order to realize the potential of the private sector’s role in agroecology and agrobiodiversity, their efforts and engagements need to be strengthened and supported, including through enabling policies and legislations across sectors and levels of governance.
The aim of the TWG is to consolidate and coordinate private sector’s efforts towards promotion,
adoption, and upscaling of agroecology and agrobiodiversity in Kenya. Key activities of the TWG include:
- Identify opportunities and challenges of private sector engagement and markets in promoting agroecology and (agro) biodiversity
- Promote integration of agroecology and biodiversity principles and practices in their business models and CSR
- Promote access and benefit sharing (ABS) in line with the Constitution of Kenya of Kenya and support all biodiversity-based value chains, including those involving wild collections of biological resources and those on use processing for food and
- Invest in production and ensure consistent supply of organic/agroecological inputs and products to enhance the availability and access to alternative products
- Create consumer awareness and behavior change towards more agroecological and sustainable consumption
- Advocate for an enabling policy, legislative and institutional framework for private sector participation, including through standards and certification schemes affecting the private sector and make recommendations on how to address market barriers and create incentives (in consultation with the Policy & Law TWG)
- Lobby for enhanced access to finance for private sector players and MSMEs engaged in agroecology, biodiversity conservation, access and benefit sharing, all
biodiversity-based value chains, nature-based solutions, and alternative eco-friendly technologies
- Make recommendations on how best to promote and upscale the adoption of agrobiodiversity and agroecology practices by the private sector and through markets, value chains and incorporation of ABS